Consumer Perspective

Sure, we all want something for free. But at what cost? There are differing opinions which can lead to a positive or negative view of

Users on YouTube who upload videos are restricted by YouTube’s copyright policies and terms of service as to what they can and can not upload.

There are petitions going around online to lessen the ‘severity’ and/or ‘hypocrisy’ of the YouTube copyright policies and censorship trends, that some individuals feel are justified in claiming. The opinions are as divided as they are varied. Some feel that it is fine to be sharing at will without regard for property rights, and others are more sensitive, either because they understand the intricacies which come with intellectual property and/or because they have material that they have produced themselves that they would not like to fall in the hands of ‘the wrong people’.

Either way, YouTube has proven to be a worldwide social and communication phenomena, aligned and based upon the uploading of user generated content and sharing that content with your friends, peers and readers. It has generated revenue, advertising and notoriety for hundreds, nay, thousands of people, and will continue to do so in the forseeable future!

YouTube is also changing lives by providing a platform for users to showcase their talents to a much greater audience then they could have dreamed of before hand. The global access via the internet has meant that users and consumers can connect and share with much much more than just their local area.

For a consumer looking for something new, it’s a veritable bounty of treasure, and many will consume and take with little to no regard to the rights of the musician/songwriter/performer.

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